Our Top Ten "Sweet As Honey" Instagram Accounts

Our Top Ten "Sweet As Honey" Instagram Accounts

Looking for some Insta-inspo? Fill your gram with these 10 accounts who are either crazy adorable or who are doing good things in the world for animals. We promise: #allthefeels.


sweet as honey dog instagram post
Swoon-worthy seniors--plus a pig named Bikini--fill the grid of this inspiring account. Committed to rescuing seniors and dogs with special needs, Steve shares his life with a gaggle of aging pups along with a chicken, a rabbit, and, of course, Bikini, and he documents the ups and downs of loving aging pets. This group shot says it all.

   Puppy In Training

sweet as honey dog instagramHave you ever wondered who trains the puppies that eventually become guide dogs? Insta-stalk this account to watch guide and service dog puppies grow into dogs who will help humans in need! Plus, pick up tons of happy, healthy puppy-rearing tips that apply to any pupper.

   Pits and Kitties

sweet as honey dog instagramSerious foster-mom inspo on this account: Watch as this extraordinary foster mama rehabs dogs in need and finds them their forever families. It’s chock full of awesome multi-dog-household advice, training tips, and super adorable pics of cuddling dogs and cats. Don’t miss her Stories for the dogs in action. So. Many. Zoomies.

   My Rescued Life

Dedicated to a life of compassion and rescue, My Rescued Life features adorable Ruby and her cat and mice siblings. Yep, they all cohabitate together in peace! While the account is full of crazy-cute puppy pics, she also shares rescue stories and pet-friendly travel advice for the Chicago area. So much to absorb while looking at a cute pup.

   Two Wigglebutts

dog instagramThe sissy love is strong between Weimaraners Lacy and Ellie. Adventuring and training around Oregon, this outdoor-loving pair inspires you to get out and love life with your dog. Whatever you do: Don’t miss the Derps story highlight. You’ll laugh for days!

   Chasing Chop

dog instagramCraving close-ups of a Frenchie faces? Look no further than this daily dose of Chop and Flo--along with some of their playful friends now and again. If you’re a video fan, this is one to follow: The majority of the daily posts show Chop and squad in action.

   Pointer Problems

dog instagramDynamic duo Gordie and Lylle star on this feed that highlights training, fostering, and--obvi--pointers. While most of the posts show the pups and their posing prowess, what makes this account extra fun to follow is the occasional appearance of the people behind the pets. It brings the #petparents and family bond to life in an inspiring and endearing way. 

   My Brown Newfies

dog instagramBig-lug lovers, this one’s for you! Sherman and Leroy, the two big brown newfies the account is named for, lumber through life with joy… and drool strings. The props and the poses deliver laughs, while the bond Jen shares with her dogs shines through. Plus, if you’re a big-dog-lover, there are tons of awesome tips and tricks for living and working with giant breeds.

   Daily Dog Tag

dog instagramCome for the photography, stay for the stories. Adorable pics of pets and their people make up the bulk of this account. The stories that accompany, though, are often touching and heartwarming. Don’t miss the wedding photography--like this one and this one--for all the heart-eye-emojis.

   Greg Murray

dog instagramBeautiful photography, inspiring stories, animal advocacy--this account has it all. Greg Murray is an author and animal photographer, and his Insta showcases a mix of pets and adoptable animals. Plus, scroll his account to scope out some sneak peeks into his new book, Pit Bull Heroes, coming out later this year.